Friday, September 14, 2012

Minutes of the August 2012 Meeting

MINUTES FOR THE MEETING OF THE FRIENDS OF THE MERRICK LIBRARY THURSDAY, AUGUST 23, 2012 Lori Stayer opened the meeting at 4:35 PM." Present: Lori Stayer (President), Karen A. Tusa (Vice President), Diane Christie (Treasurer), David R. Stayer (Secretary) and Felizia Bushkin. The minutes of the July meeting were read. Karen moved and Felizia seconded their approval. The motion passed. Report of the treasurer: Diane gave the report. Savings account $4,426.02 checking account $355.08. We will transfer from the savings account to assure the checking account has a minimum balance of $500.00. David moved and Karen seconded approval of the report of the treasurer. The motion passed. Book Sale for yesterday netted $50.00. Committee Reports: Karen reported that 73 membership renewal letters were sent and 32 responses have been received. The raffle for this month netted $67.00. The winner was drawn and has been notified. The raffle for September will include cookbooks and a gift certificate from Nicholas James. Jonathan has sent out 40 business membership letters. We will request the list so follow up contacts can be pursued. Lori Karen and Art did weeding today. Mysteries and fiction were the categories done. The Better World Books bin should be arriving next week. Our meetings for Thursday, October 25, Thursday, November 29 and Thursday, December 20, 2012 will begin at 4:00 Pm at the Merrick Library. Our new Publicity Chair is Jay Cincotta. We will send Debbie Jones of the Merrick Library a get well card. The next meeting of the Friends of the Merrick Library is Thursday, September 20, 2012 at 4:30 PM at the Merrick Library. All Friends are invited to attend. Since no other business was needed, Diane moved and David seconded for adjournment. The meeting adjourned at 5:30 PM. Respectfully submitted, David R. Stayer, LCSW-R