Thursday, December 15, 2016

Minutes of the December 13, 2016 Meeting

Minutes of the December 13th, 2016 Friends of the Merrick Library Meeting
Present: Karen Tusa (President), Diane Christie (Treasurer), Marion Ormsten (Correspondence Chair), Maureen Garvey (Secretary), Sandra Mintz (Publicity Chair), Barbara Goldberg, Fran Kommor and Ellen Firer (Library Director).  Meeting called to order at 4:40 by Chair Karen Tusa.

The minutes of the November meeting, as emailed to the members, were read and accepted on a motion by Diane Christie, seconded by Marion Ormsten and unanimously approved.

The Treasurer’s report, as follows, was accepted on a motion from Maureen Garvey, seconded by Sandra Mintz and unanimously approved:
Total in Savings:  $10,642.28
Total in Checking: $197.02
Total Income: $1,648.56
Total Expenses: $0

Committee Reports

Karen Tusa reported that we have received 30 membership renewals and three new   membership applications.  We mailed out about 60 applications. Howard Schwartz will run the labels for the business membership applications and a group will prepare them for mailing in January 2017. We had 18 local business memberships in 2016 and hope to equal that in 2017.

Craft Fair
Members who worked the Craft Fair reported that it appears to them that the vendors who did the best were the ones with different and/or unusual booths, such as the cake vendor.  It was agreed that too many of the same type of vendor, such as costume jewelry, is not a good thing, but it is hard to guarantee that all the vendors will be unique.  Diane Christie particularly wanted to mention Bagel Plaza’s generous donation. It was also agreed that the street signs were the best advertising we did, and we will definitely have more of them next year.

Nominating Committee
Sandra Mintz named the slate of nominated officers: Karen Tusa for President, Howard Schwartz for Vice-President, Diane Christie for Treasurer and Maureen Garvey for Secretary.  There were no nominations from the floor. The slate was unanimously approved.

Old Business
Karen discussed repeating the meditation class with Angela; dates are still to be decided.

New Business
Maureen Garvey reported that she had spoken with Angela Capone about a popcorn machine vendor, but Angela did not know of one. Maureen will speak to Bellmore and Levittown libraries to see if they can supply us with a vendor.

In a re-ordering of the agenda, Ellen Firer said that she will speak to the Library Board of Trustees at that night’s meeting about the Friends hosting a “Taste of Merrick” fund-raiser in the spring.

Ellen Firer thanked the Friends for the tray of holiday cookies we gave to the staff, in appreciation of their assistance over the year.

Maureen Garvey reported that she heard back from Lakeside and Chatterton PTA Presidents, but not from the Birch School PTA. She left a hard copy of the email in the PTA mailbox at Birch and hopes that they will respond.   As it stands now, Karen and Maureen will attend the PTA meeting at Lakeside on Jan. 18th at 7:30PM and at Chatterton on Jan. 25th at 7PM.  Karen will bring membership applications, flyers for Family Movie Night and possibly some Merrick Library newsletters.

Karen Tusa asked Correspondence Chair Marion Ormsten to send thank-you notes to Jan Sanseverino for obtaining the lawn signs for the Craft Fair, to Joan Sculli for past participation as Publicity Chair for the Friends, and to Vinny Brown, of the Library custodial staff, for his assistance at the Craft Fair.

Diane Christie started a discussion about other programs the Friends could underwrite for the Library, considering our funds. Several suggestions were made; Karen Tusa will bring them to Ellen Firer.

Maureen Garvey said that she is still working on re-doing the FOML blog.

Upcoming meetings of the Friends of the Merrick Library will be held on Tuesdays at 4:30 PM on Jan. 10, Feb. 14, March 14, April 11, May 9 and June 13.

Maureen Garvey made a motion to adjourn, which was seconded by Diane Christie. The meeting was adjourned at 5:40PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Maureen Garvey

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Minutes of the November 2016 Meeting

Minutes of the November 15th 2016 Friends of the Merrick Library Meeting
Present: Karen Tusa (President), Howard Schwartz (Vice-President), Diane Christie (Treasurer), Marion Ormsten (Correspondence Chair), Maureen Garvey (Secretary), Sandra Mintz and Jan Sanseverino.

Meeting called to order at 4:37 by Chair Karen Tusa.

The minutes of the September meeting, as emailed to the members, were accepted on a motion by Howard Schwartz, seconded by Diane Christie and unanimously approved.

The Treasurer’s report, as follows, was accepted on a motion from Maureen Garvey, seconded by Howard Schwartz and unanimously approved:
Total in Savings:  $8,993.72
Total in Checking: $197.02
Total Income: $735.00
Total Expenses: $342.06

Committee Reports

Karen Tusa reported that the residential membership mailing went out on Nov. 1; in addition to renewals, one new application for membership has been received so far. Business membership applications will go out in January 2017.

Craft Fair
Howard Schwartz reported that we have 12-13 tables booked, but he has spoken to several people who plan to take a table.  Karen Tusa reported that she has placed advertisements in several publications, including the Herald and the Craft Master News.
Flyers were distributed to members who will try to place them in the windows of local businesses. Jan Sanseverino volunteered to have some lawn signs professionally printed.
Diane Christie, Howard Schwartz and Marion Ormsten volunteered to request donations from local businesses.

Nominating Committee
Sandra Mintz reported that the slate of officers is as follows:  Karen Tusa, President; Howard Schwartz, Vice-President, Diane Christie, Treasurer and Maureen Garvey, Secretary. The slate will be
voted on at the December 13th meeting.

Old Business
The members present agreed that the Friends will volunteer to underwrite the cost of another series of meditation classes in the Spring, since the Fall class was well attended.

New Business
There was a discussion about how to book a popcorn machine for the Friends-sponsored Family Movie Night.  Maureen Garvey said she would talk to Angela Capone to see if she knows of a vendor. 
Sandra Mintz volunteered to serve as Publicity Chair; she will write the copy and forward it to Karen Tusa for distribution.
The discussion of the review of the by-laws was tabled.
Maureen Garvey reported that she would contact the PTA Presidents of the three Merrick Union Free School District schools as soon as possible. Howard Schwartz suggested that in addition to speaking briefly at the January meetings, as planned, we also ask for a membership mailing list so that we could directly target parents in the district.  Howard will make every effort to join Karen and Maureen when they attend the January meetings.
Karen Tusa suggested that the Friends host a tasting event for the spring fund-raiser.  She will discuss the possibility with Library Director Ellen Firer.

Upcoming meetings of the Friends of the Merrick Library will be held on Tuesdays at 4:30 PM on Dec. 13, Jan. 10, Feb. 14, March 14, April 11, May 9 and June 13. Election of officers will be held at the December meeting.

A motion to adjourn was made at 5:25PM by Maureen Garvey, seconded by Diane Christie.

Respectfully submitted,
Maureen Garvey


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

FOML Craft Fair

Join us on Saturday, December 3 from 10:30AM-4:00PM for the Friends' Annual Craft Fair, held in the Merrick Library Community Room.

Minutes of the October 18, 2016 Meeting

Minutes of the FOML Meeting of Oct. 18, 2016

Present: Karen Tusa (President), Diane Christie (Treasurer), Marion Ormsten (Correspondence Chair), Maureen Garvey (Acting Secretary), Sandra Mintz, Ellen Firer (Library Director), Howard Schwartz (Vice-President), Jan Sanseverino.

Meeting was called to order at 4:35 by Chair Karen Tusa.
The minutes of the September meeting, as emailed to the members, were accepted on a motion by Howard Schwartz, seconded by Sandra Mintz and unanimously approved.

The Treasurer’s report, as follows, was accepted on a motion from Howard Schwartz, seconded by Maureen Garvey and unanimously approved:
Total in Savings:  $8,543.72
Total in Checking: $254.08
Total Income: $219.33
No expenditures

Committee Reports

Publicity-Karen Tusa, in the absence of a publicity chair, presented the new FOML bags.

Business Membership-Howard Schwartz will prepare the mailing of the membership application to local businesses in January 2017.

Residential Membership-General membership applications will be ready for mailing in November.

Craft and Vendor Fair-Howard Schwartz reported that fewer than half of the 25 available spots have been reserved. Our list of potential vendors is 200; he is confident that we will fill all the spots. A number of the meeting’s attendees volunteered to work the Craft Fair.

Karen Tusa reported that the Library has established an extension dedicated to the Friends; she has retrieved several messages related to the Craft Fair already.

Old Business

Karen Tusa passed around the updated Friends brochure.

Karen Tusa reported that she greeted the attendees at the first meditation class; Maureen Garvey volunteered to attend the final class to represent the Friends and hand out our brochure.

Karen reported that an ad has been placed in the Merrick Herald-Life asking for volunteers to join the Friends.

New Business

A new publicity chairperson is still needed.

Marion Ormsten, Sandra Mintz and Jan Sanseverino will serve on the nominating committee.  Karen Tusa will review the by-laws. 

Sandra Mintz suggested that the Friends host family-oriented program. After discussing the possibilities, it was agreed that a “Family Movie Night” should be scheduled for the mid-winter break, aimed at families with children younger than 10.  Maureen Garvey offered to coordinated with Susan Goodwin, head of Children’s Services, and Angela Capone, Program Coordinator, to pick a date.

Future meetings will be held at 4:30 on Tuesdays, Nov. 15, Dec. 13, Jan. 10, Feb. 14, March 14, April 11, May 9 and June 13.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:21 on a motion by Howard Schwartz, seconded by Maureen Garvey.  


Friday, September 16, 2016

September 2016 Minutes

Minutes of the September 13th Friends of the Merrick Library Meeting
Present: Karen Tusa (President), Diane Christie (Treasurer), Marion Ormsten (Correspondence Chair), Maureen Garvey (Acting Secretary), Sandra Mintz.
Meeting called to order at 4:35 by Chair Karen Tusa.

The minutes of the June meeting, as emailed to the members, were accepted on a motion by Marion Ormsten, seconded by Maureen Garvey and unanimously approved.

The Treasurer’s report, as follows, was accepted on a motion from Maureen Garvey, seconded by Diane Christie and unanimously approved:
Total in Savings:  $8,324.39
Total in Checking: $254.08
Total Income: $597.87
Total Expenses: $178.11

President Karen Tusa reported that she has a new listing of the Chamber of Commerce membership.  The Friends will canvas the Chamber again this year, as was done last year, to join the Friends at the same contribution of $50.00.  Last year 18 local businesses joined; some contributed more than the required $50.00. 

The Friends Craft Fair will be held on Saturday, Dec. 3.  It was determined after some discussion that the hours will be from 10:30-4.  Vendors will have from 9-10:30 to set up. Friends should park in the Cure’ of Ars parking lot.

It was discussed, that, if possible, the Friends could have a dedicated telephone extension at the Merrick Library, at least for the weeks leading up to the Craft Fair. If there is no cost to the Friends, and the Library administration approves, we will keep the extension year-round.

The discussion over signage related to the Fair ended with the agreement that FOML should create and distribute more lawn signs than last year.  It was also agreed that the Friends should seek out a member who has the ability to create signs and flyers.

Old Business
Karen Tusa notified Lisa Hudson at Cure of Ars that the Friends Craft Fair will be held on Dec. 3
FOML is sponsoring a meditation program at the Merrick Library.
FOML purchased 100 ear buds for the Library.

New Business
Karen Tusa informed the members present that the 100 tote bags previously purchased by the Friends almost two years ago are nearly gone. She proposed that we purchase new bags from JanWay that are slightly smaller, but are the same style and are on sale. It was agreed that she should make the purchase.
Karen Tusa informed the members that we need a Publicity Chair, as Joan Sculli is stepping down from that position.
The election procedures were discussed, and during the process we realized that the by-laws have an inconsistency that should be corrected to read as follows:
ARTICLE V SECTION 1.  At the October meeting, the President shall appoint a nominating committee of three members, which shall convene promptly and place in nomination the names of candidates to fill the offices for the ensuing two years.  The nominations shall be recorded in the November minutes and submitted in writing to the membership prior to the December meeting.  Additional nominations may be made from the floor at the December meeting.

Karen Tusa will place an ad in the Merrick Herald-Life calling for volunteers to join the Friends.  She will ask once again that they name the Library correctly as the Merrick Library, not the Merrick Public Library.

Diane Christie made a motion to adjourn at 5:25 PM.  The motion was seconded by Sandy Mintz. The meeting was adjourned.

Next meeting dates:  Tuesday at 4:30 PM:  Oct. 18 Nov. 15, Dec. 13, Jan. 10, Feb. 14, Mar 14, Apr 11,  May 9, June 13.

Respectfully submitted by Maureen Garvey .

Thursday, June 30, 2016

June 14, 2016 Minutes

Friends of the Merrick Library
Minutes of Meeting June 14, 2016
Meeting called to order at 4:30 PM by President, Karen Tusa.
Present: Karen Tusa (President), Howard Schwartz (Vice-President), Diane Christie (Treasurer), Marion Ormsten (Correspondence Chair), Sandra Mintz, Ellen Firer (Library Director).
Minutes:  May minutes were reviewed and accepted as emailed.
Treasurer’s Report:
Savings $8,100.40
Checking $58.31
Income: Book Sale $100.80
                Employee Giving: $50.00
                Raffle: $26.00                                                                                                   
                Tote Bags: $15.00
                Flash Drives: $8.00
                TOTAL:         $199.80
Expenditures: Stamps: $9.40
Committee Reports:
Business Membership: Karen sent thank you emails/letters with a copy of bookmark to 18 business sponsors.
Old Business: Thank you to Jan Sanseverino and Marian Hart for selling raffles on May 15th before the Sunday concert.
New Business: Meditation program. Three instructor prospects: Lorry Salluzzi, Joann Miller, Jeanne McElwin. Sandra will contact Joann for availability.  Four consecutive sessions in the fall on Tuesday or Thursday evenings at 7PM.  Instructor to be paid $50 per session. 
Craft and Vendor Fair scheduled for December 3rd: Karen will contact Lisa Hudson at Cure of Ars regarding date. 
Karen will update stationery/website with new Secretary.
Next meeting is Tuesday, September 13th at 4:30 P.M.
Meeting was adjourned at 5:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by Sandra Mintz

Monday, May 23, 2016

The Friends of the Merrick Library would like to thank the following local businesses for their support:

2016 List of Business Sponsors:

Bagel Plaza
Bridgehampton National Bank
Children’s Nest Early Childhood Education Center
CSM Engineering
Dime Savings Bank
Expedia Cruise Ship Centers/Merrick
Grace Christian Academy
Holms Service Station --- Mobil
Keats Tax & Financial Service
La Strada of Merrick
Merrick Community Nursery School & Day Camp
Merrick Flower Shoppe & Fruiterers
Orlin & Cohen Orthopedic
Printing Emporium
Roslyn Savings Bank
Scott Hermann State Farm Insurance Agency
Teachers Federal Credit Union
Weightloss with

May 2016 Minutes

Friends of the Merrick Library

Minutes of Meeting May 10, 2016

The meeting was called to order at 4:30 PM by Chairperson, Karen Tusa.
Present: Karen Tusa (President), Howard Schwartz (Vice-President),  Joan Sculli (Publicity Chairperson), Marion Ormsten (Correspondence Chairperson), Ellen Firer (Library Director), and Sandra Mintz.
Minutes:  The minutes of the April meeting were approved as emailed.
Treasurer’s Report: The report was read by Karen Tusa in the absence of Diane Christie.  The total in the Savings account is $7,900.60 and checking is $67.71. Income total was $530.35 of which $97.80 was book sale, Better World Books share $185.36,  $82 raffle, $6 tote bags, $17 sale of USB flash drives, $40 residential membership, $50 business membership, $2.19 was accrued interest, and a $50 donation was received in memorial.  There were expenditures from the checking account in the amount of $15 for bookmark printing. The Treasurer’s report was accepted.
Sandra  mentioned that the Better World Books’ bins continue to overflow.  She has emailed them several times.
Library Director’s Report and Discussion: The library would welcome activities for the community sponsored by the Friends.  Book and CD collections are not needed because of internet availability. There were between 960-1000 people at the library birthday event. Merrick historical society materials are being digitized and available online. The Business Center has been closed since it did not generate enough revenue to be self-sustaining. The Mintz 3D printing center is very successful.  All staff is trained to provide assistance. A “Cricket” cutting machine is being added.  Staff is very proficient in providing programs, especially in the children’s area.
Membership Report: There are 56 residential memberships. Also, there are 18 business memberships; one of which was secured in May. The Friend’s blog and bookmarks citations are current.  Thank you letters /emails will be sent to business sponsors this month.
Old Business: None
New Business:  Maureen Garvey will assume the role of secretary beginning July. Jan Sanseverino and Marian Hart are scheduled to sell raffles and membership before the Sunday, May 15th library program from 1-2PM.  The Friends 2015 tax return has been filed.  The craft and vendor fair  has been scheduled for Saturday, December 3rd.  Howard is collecting business cards from which he will contact a variety of vendors. A discussion took place regarding the type of activity Friends might sponsor. It was decided that giving a series of meditation sessions would be explored.
Next Meeting Dates: Tuesday 4:30 PM  June 14th.  There will be no July or August meeting. 
Meeting was adjourned at 5 PM 

Respectfully submitted by Joan Sculli, Acting Secretary

Thursday, April 14, 2016

April 12, 2016 Minutes

Friends of the Merrick Library
Minutes of Meeting April 12, 2016
Meeting was called to order at 4:35 PM by Chairperson, Karen Tusa.
Present:  Karen Tusa (President), Howard Schwartz (Vice-President), Diane Christie (Treasurer).
Minutes:  March minutes were reviewed and accepted as emailed.
Treasurer’s Report: 
Total Savings:

Total Checking:


Book Sale

Business Membership

Employee Giving


Residential Membership

Tote Bags
USB Flash Drives
2015 Year End Adjust.
Record Book
Raffle Tickets

Membership Report:
There are 56 memberships in total; a few expire in a couple of months. We will pursue those members next year for renewal.  Ad for membership/volunteers sent weekly to Merrick Herald.
Business Membership:  Received 1 new business sponsor (17 in total).
Old Business:  Thanks to volunteers for participating Sunday, April 10th at the Library—Karen, Diane, Marian, Marion, Jan, Judith and Marilyn.
New Business:  Volunteers needed to sell raffles & membership on Sunday May 15th at Library 1-2PM.  Possible Friends sponsorship ideas for the Library were discussed.  Tax return numbers completed; to be submitted to CPA for a 5/15 filing due date.  Acting Secretary will be volunteering starting July.  Possible fall craft fair date was discussed.
Next meeting dates:  Tuesday at 4:30 PM-May 10, June 14, and July 12.  There will be no August meeting.
Meeting was adjourned at 5:15 P.M.

Respectfully submitted by Karen Tusa

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

March 2016 Minutes

Friends of the Merrick Library
Minutes of Meeting March 8, 2016
The meeting was called to order at 4:35 PM by Chairperson, Karen Tusa.
Present:  Karen Tusa (President), Howard Schwartz (Vice-President), Joan Sculli (Publicity Chairperson), and Ellen Firer (Library Director).
Minutes:  The minutes of the February meeting were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report:  Savings $6,948.14. Checking $210.30.  Savings total income was $493.13 of which $184.15 was book sale, $88.98 Better World Books, $24.00 raffles, $6 tote bags, $15 sale of USB flash drives and $175 residentialmembership. There were no expenditures. The Treasurer’s report was accepted as submitted.
Membership Report: There are 63 residential memberships of which 21 are overdue for the current year. A volunteer/membership outreach notice was published in the Merrick Herald on 2/28 and 3/4.  One email requesting information was received in response.   The notice will be resubmitted with a request to keep running it.   Howard has continued to make renewal solicitations by phone.
Of the 158 business membership mailings, 16 have resulted in sponsorship so far for a total of $960.  The Friend’s blog linked to the Merrick Library web page was updated with the business sponsors’ names. Bookmarks were updated with the business sponsor names and were printed by Debbie Jones of the library staff.  Another business mailing was made to 42 additional sites on 2/27.   
Old Business:  Karen, Diane and Howard participated in staffing the Friends table prior to the Sunday library concert event on 2/28.
An acting Secretary has not been appointed yet.
Thank you to Liz Kranz, who has been calling Friends  members who do not have email to inform them of meeting times and Friends’ events.
New Business: Ellen will provide list of possible library programs Friends can sponsor.
Joan and Karen will staff a Friends’ table for an hour before the Sunday March 13th music program.
Diane and Karen will staff a membership table at the 10 year Anniversary of the New Library Event on April 10th.  Additional volunteers will be scheduled.
The annual financial audit of the books of treasurer will be on 3/15 by Karen, Howard, Marion and Diane.
Tax return numbers will be submitted to our CPA by 4/15 for a 5/15 filing deadline.
A discussion of the suggestion to change the meeting time to 6 PM was tabled.
A motion was made and passed to send a “thinking of you” card to David Stayer.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:14 PM.
Next Meeting Dates: Tuesday at 4:30 PM on April 12th, May 10th, June 14th and July 12th.
Respectfully submitted by Joan Sculli

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

February 2016 Minutes

Friends of the Merrick Library

Minutes of Meeting February 9, 2016

Meeting was called to order at 4:35 PM by Chairperson, Karen Tusa.
Present:  Karen Tusa (President), Howard Schwartz (Vice-President), Diane Christie (Treasurer) Marion Ormsten (Correspondence Secretary), Sandra Mintz.
Minutes:  January minutes were reviewed and accepted as emailed.
Treasurer’s Report:  Savings $6,455.01.  Checking $210.30.  Total Income to savings was $915 of which Residential Membership was $90.00 and Business Membership was $825.00.  There were no expenditures this month.
Membership Report: Thirty one renewals have been received to-date of 58 members. Three new memberships have been received for the year.   Most of the phone calls for the status of membership renewal were completed.   Karen will publish ad for membership/volunteer with Friends in local paper.
Business Membership:  Mailed 158 requests and received 14 for a total of $825.  Two business members had indicated a desire to volunteer on the brochure.  Karen contacted them; one responded with no availability at this time.  Karen will contact the second business sponsor again. Maureen Garvey will update Friends Blog with business sponsors on a monthly basis.  Bookmarks will be updated and printed with business sponsors.  ”What Friends Do” and application will be maintained on front of bookmark.  In March, Karen will provide Marion with a list of the remaining businesses to contact for consideration of a Friends membership.  Karen will provide Howard with an additional list of approximately 50 local businesses to address envelopes.
Old Business:  Spare change jar was replaced with velcro at the circulation desk.  Thank you to Diane for selling raffles at the Library Sunday program on 1/10 and for participating in the Library’s author visit on 1/13.
New Business:  Howard or Diane will volunteer for Sunday 2/28 at the Library to sell raffles from 1-2 PM.  Karen, Diane, Howard and Marion will review the Books of the Treasurer on March 15th at 4:30 PM.  An Acting Secretary is needed for Friends.  Any Friend member interested may contact Karen at
Next meeting dates:  Tuesdays at 4:30 PM- March 8, April 12, May 10, June 14, and July 12.
Meeting was adjourned at 5:00 P.M.
Respectfully submitted by Sandra Mintz

Sunday, January 17, 2016

Friends of the Merrick Library

Minutes of Meeting January 12, 2016

Meeting called to order at 4:30 PM by Chairperson, Karen Tusa.
Present: Karen Tusa (President), Howard Schwartz (Vice-President), Diane Christie (Treasurer), Sandra Mintz and Ellen Firer (Library Director).

Minutes:  December minutes were reviewed and accepted as emailed.

Treasurer’s Report: Savings $5,540.01 and Checking $210.30.   Total Income to savings:  $1.21 interest. Total Income to checking was $328.25 of which $169.25 was from book sale, raffle $28, membership $115, tote bags $9, USB (flash drives) $7. Total expenditures were $153.10 of which $13 was for balloons for craft fair, $40 for business brochures, $21.70 gifts, and $78.40 for postage.

Holiday Craft and Vendor Fair Info Report: Total Income was $1,289 of which $1,155 was from table fees, $20 membership, $58 raffles, $53 spare change, and $3  totes. Total Expenditures were $117.27 of which $13.00 was for balloons, $86.77 for display board, $17.50 for posters.   Total profit for the fair: $1171.73.

Membership Report:  27 renewals received of the 58 memberships, 2 new memberships have been received to date.   Need 2-3 volunteers to contact remaining 31 members on their renewal status.  Diane Christie, Howard Schwartz and Sandra Mintz volunteered for this activity. Karen will pursue publishing an ad for membership outreach to the local community.

Business Membership: Mailed 158 requests to businesses on 1/2/16; 4 memberships have been received. They are: Printing Emporium, Dime Savings Bank, Expedia Cruise Ship Centers, and Keats Tax & Financial Service.   Friends’ Bookmarks will be updated in February to include all Names of Business Sponsors received to date.   Ellen commented that contributing businesses cannot be printed in the Library Newsletter but Friends blog can maintain a listing.  Karen will contact Maureen Garvey to assist on this.

Old Business: Earbuds were purchased by the Library and will be sold for $2 (rather than $3).  Proceeds will be given to Friends.  New jar for spare change has been provided; Diane is working on design of jar.  Recommendation to use velcro to attach the jar to prevent loss was approved by Ellen.

New Business: The By-Laws state that an audit of the treasurer’s books should be done within 60 days at close of fiscal year. Discussion ensued on the history of this Article.  Karen will contact Friends member Maureen Garvey on this matter.  
Next meeting dates:  Tuesdays at 4:30 PM-- February 9, March 8, April 12, May 10, June 14, and July 12.

Meeting was adjourned at 5:00 P.M.

Respectfully submitted by Sandra Mintz