Thursday, December 15, 2016

Minutes of the December 13, 2016 Meeting

Minutes of the December 13th, 2016 Friends of the Merrick Library Meeting
Present: Karen Tusa (President), Diane Christie (Treasurer), Marion Ormsten (Correspondence Chair), Maureen Garvey (Secretary), Sandra Mintz (Publicity Chair), Barbara Goldberg, Fran Kommor and Ellen Firer (Library Director).  Meeting called to order at 4:40 by Chair Karen Tusa.

The minutes of the November meeting, as emailed to the members, were read and accepted on a motion by Diane Christie, seconded by Marion Ormsten and unanimously approved.

The Treasurer’s report, as follows, was accepted on a motion from Maureen Garvey, seconded by Sandra Mintz and unanimously approved:
Total in Savings:  $10,642.28
Total in Checking: $197.02
Total Income: $1,648.56
Total Expenses: $0

Committee Reports

Karen Tusa reported that we have received 30 membership renewals and three new   membership applications.  We mailed out about 60 applications. Howard Schwartz will run the labels for the business membership applications and a group will prepare them for mailing in January 2017. We had 18 local business memberships in 2016 and hope to equal that in 2017.

Craft Fair
Members who worked the Craft Fair reported that it appears to them that the vendors who did the best were the ones with different and/or unusual booths, such as the cake vendor.  It was agreed that too many of the same type of vendor, such as costume jewelry, is not a good thing, but it is hard to guarantee that all the vendors will be unique.  Diane Christie particularly wanted to mention Bagel Plaza’s generous donation. It was also agreed that the street signs were the best advertising we did, and we will definitely have more of them next year.

Nominating Committee
Sandra Mintz named the slate of nominated officers: Karen Tusa for President, Howard Schwartz for Vice-President, Diane Christie for Treasurer and Maureen Garvey for Secretary.  There were no nominations from the floor. The slate was unanimously approved.

Old Business
Karen discussed repeating the meditation class with Angela; dates are still to be decided.

New Business
Maureen Garvey reported that she had spoken with Angela Capone about a popcorn machine vendor, but Angela did not know of one. Maureen will speak to Bellmore and Levittown libraries to see if they can supply us with a vendor.

In a re-ordering of the agenda, Ellen Firer said that she will speak to the Library Board of Trustees at that night’s meeting about the Friends hosting a “Taste of Merrick” fund-raiser in the spring.

Ellen Firer thanked the Friends for the tray of holiday cookies we gave to the staff, in appreciation of their assistance over the year.

Maureen Garvey reported that she heard back from Lakeside and Chatterton PTA Presidents, but not from the Birch School PTA. She left a hard copy of the email in the PTA mailbox at Birch and hopes that they will respond.   As it stands now, Karen and Maureen will attend the PTA meeting at Lakeside on Jan. 18th at 7:30PM and at Chatterton on Jan. 25th at 7PM.  Karen will bring membership applications, flyers for Family Movie Night and possibly some Merrick Library newsletters.

Karen Tusa asked Correspondence Chair Marion Ormsten to send thank-you notes to Jan Sanseverino for obtaining the lawn signs for the Craft Fair, to Joan Sculli for past participation as Publicity Chair for the Friends, and to Vinny Brown, of the Library custodial staff, for his assistance at the Craft Fair.

Diane Christie started a discussion about other programs the Friends could underwrite for the Library, considering our funds. Several suggestions were made; Karen Tusa will bring them to Ellen Firer.

Maureen Garvey said that she is still working on re-doing the FOML blog.

Upcoming meetings of the Friends of the Merrick Library will be held on Tuesdays at 4:30 PM on Jan. 10, Feb. 14, March 14, April 11, May 9 and June 13.

Maureen Garvey made a motion to adjourn, which was seconded by Diane Christie. The meeting was adjourned at 5:40PM.

Respectfully submitted,

Maureen Garvey