Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Minutes of the November 2016 Meeting

Minutes of the November 15th 2016 Friends of the Merrick Library Meeting
Present: Karen Tusa (President), Howard Schwartz (Vice-President), Diane Christie (Treasurer), Marion Ormsten (Correspondence Chair), Maureen Garvey (Secretary), Sandra Mintz and Jan Sanseverino.

Meeting called to order at 4:37 by Chair Karen Tusa.

The minutes of the September meeting, as emailed to the members, were accepted on a motion by Howard Schwartz, seconded by Diane Christie and unanimously approved.

The Treasurer’s report, as follows, was accepted on a motion from Maureen Garvey, seconded by Howard Schwartz and unanimously approved:
Total in Savings:  $8,993.72
Total in Checking: $197.02
Total Income: $735.00
Total Expenses: $342.06

Committee Reports

Karen Tusa reported that the residential membership mailing went out on Nov. 1; in addition to renewals, one new application for membership has been received so far. Business membership applications will go out in January 2017.

Craft Fair
Howard Schwartz reported that we have 12-13 tables booked, but he has spoken to several people who plan to take a table.  Karen Tusa reported that she has placed advertisements in several publications, including the Herald and the Craft Master News.
Flyers were distributed to members who will try to place them in the windows of local businesses. Jan Sanseverino volunteered to have some lawn signs professionally printed.
Diane Christie, Howard Schwartz and Marion Ormsten volunteered to request donations from local businesses.

Nominating Committee
Sandra Mintz reported that the slate of officers is as follows:  Karen Tusa, President; Howard Schwartz, Vice-President, Diane Christie, Treasurer and Maureen Garvey, Secretary. The slate will be
voted on at the December 13th meeting.

Old Business
The members present agreed that the Friends will volunteer to underwrite the cost of another series of meditation classes in the Spring, since the Fall class was well attended.

New Business
There was a discussion about how to book a popcorn machine for the Friends-sponsored Family Movie Night.  Maureen Garvey said she would talk to Angela Capone to see if she knows of a vendor. 
Sandra Mintz volunteered to serve as Publicity Chair; she will write the copy and forward it to Karen Tusa for distribution.
The discussion of the review of the by-laws was tabled.
Maureen Garvey reported that she would contact the PTA Presidents of the three Merrick Union Free School District schools as soon as possible. Howard Schwartz suggested that in addition to speaking briefly at the January meetings, as planned, we also ask for a membership mailing list so that we could directly target parents in the district.  Howard will make every effort to join Karen and Maureen when they attend the January meetings.
Karen Tusa suggested that the Friends host a tasting event for the spring fund-raiser.  She will discuss the possibility with Library Director Ellen Firer.

Upcoming meetings of the Friends of the Merrick Library will be held on Tuesdays at 4:30 PM on Dec. 13, Jan. 10, Feb. 14, March 14, April 11, May 9 and June 13. Election of officers will be held at the December meeting.

A motion to adjourn was made at 5:25PM by Maureen Garvey, seconded by Diane Christie.

Respectfully submitted,
Maureen Garvey


Tuesday, October 25, 2016

FOML Craft Fair

Join us on Saturday, December 3 from 10:30AM-4:00PM for the Friends' Annual Craft Fair, held in the Merrick Library Community Room.

Minutes of the October 18, 2016 Meeting

Minutes of the FOML Meeting of Oct. 18, 2016

Present: Karen Tusa (President), Diane Christie (Treasurer), Marion Ormsten (Correspondence Chair), Maureen Garvey (Acting Secretary), Sandra Mintz, Ellen Firer (Library Director), Howard Schwartz (Vice-President), Jan Sanseverino.

Meeting was called to order at 4:35 by Chair Karen Tusa.
The minutes of the September meeting, as emailed to the members, were accepted on a motion by Howard Schwartz, seconded by Sandra Mintz and unanimously approved.

The Treasurer’s report, as follows, was accepted on a motion from Howard Schwartz, seconded by Maureen Garvey and unanimously approved:
Total in Savings:  $8,543.72
Total in Checking: $254.08
Total Income: $219.33
No expenditures

Committee Reports

Publicity-Karen Tusa, in the absence of a publicity chair, presented the new FOML bags.

Business Membership-Howard Schwartz will prepare the mailing of the membership application to local businesses in January 2017.

Residential Membership-General membership applications will be ready for mailing in November.

Craft and Vendor Fair-Howard Schwartz reported that fewer than half of the 25 available spots have been reserved. Our list of potential vendors is 200; he is confident that we will fill all the spots. A number of the meeting’s attendees volunteered to work the Craft Fair.

Karen Tusa reported that the Library has established an extension dedicated to the Friends; she has retrieved several messages related to the Craft Fair already.

Old Business

Karen Tusa passed around the updated Friends brochure.

Karen Tusa reported that she greeted the attendees at the first meditation class; Maureen Garvey volunteered to attend the final class to represent the Friends and hand out our brochure.

Karen reported that an ad has been placed in the Merrick Herald-Life asking for volunteers to join the Friends.

New Business

A new publicity chairperson is still needed.

Marion Ormsten, Sandra Mintz and Jan Sanseverino will serve on the nominating committee.  Karen Tusa will review the by-laws. 

Sandra Mintz suggested that the Friends host family-oriented program. After discussing the possibilities, it was agreed that a “Family Movie Night” should be scheduled for the mid-winter break, aimed at families with children younger than 10.  Maureen Garvey offered to coordinated with Susan Goodwin, head of Children’s Services, and Angela Capone, Program Coordinator, to pick a date.

Future meetings will be held at 4:30 on Tuesdays, Nov. 15, Dec. 13, Jan. 10, Feb. 14, March 14, April 11, May 9 and June 13.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:21 on a motion by Howard Schwartz, seconded by Maureen Garvey.