Monday, October 21, 2013

August 2013 Minutes

MINUTES FOR THE MEETING OF THE FRIENDS OF THE MERRICK LIBRARY THURSDAY, AUGUST 22, 2013 Lori Stayer opened the meeting at 4:35 PM. Present: Lori Stayer (President), Carol Fontana (Vice President), David R. Stayer (Secretary), Marion Ormsten (Correspondence Chair) and Shirley Sherwin. The July minutes were read. Carol moved and Marion seconded their approval as read. The motion passed. Report of the Treasurer: Diane called in the report of the treasurer prior to the meeting. Our savings account has $1,636.18 and our checking account has $450.35. One member renewal of $10, book sale $147.00 and the raffle brought in $32.00. Carol called the raffle winner. Shirley moved and Carol seconded approval of the report of the treasurer. The motion passed. Old Business: We would like a list of the Merrick Library Board so we can recruit them as members. In the past they have joined. Because the book sale will end this December, we need new fund raising ideas. A Craft show has been suggested. Saturday, December 14, 2013 has been reserved at the Merrick Library from 12:00 to 5:00 PM. Shirley has agreed to develop a flyer for publicity purposes. Carol will contact Printing Emporium to ascertain a price for updated brochures to be used for membership expansion. New Business: The Book Fairy in Freeport accepts and distributes donated books. We may invite them to a future meeting. The Library Wing will be closed on Wednesday, September 4, 2013. Our next meeting will be Thursday, October 10, 2013 at the Merrick Library. The meeting begins at 4:30 PM. All Friends are invited to attend. In order to support the Merrick Library we need active members. Please join us and help the Merrick Library make a difference in our community. Motion to adjourn was made. The meeting adjourned at 5:32 PM. Respectfully, submitted David R. Stayer, LCSW-R