Wednesday, March 23, 2016

March 2016 Minutes

Friends of the Merrick Library
Minutes of Meeting March 8, 2016
The meeting was called to order at 4:35 PM by Chairperson, Karen Tusa.
Present:  Karen Tusa (President), Howard Schwartz (Vice-President), Joan Sculli (Publicity Chairperson), and Ellen Firer (Library Director).
Minutes:  The minutes of the February meeting were approved as written.
Treasurer’s Report:  Savings $6,948.14. Checking $210.30.  Savings total income was $493.13 of which $184.15 was book sale, $88.98 Better World Books, $24.00 raffles, $6 tote bags, $15 sale of USB flash drives and $175 residentialmembership. There were no expenditures. The Treasurer’s report was accepted as submitted.
Membership Report: There are 63 residential memberships of which 21 are overdue for the current year. A volunteer/membership outreach notice was published in the Merrick Herald on 2/28 and 3/4.  One email requesting information was received in response.   The notice will be resubmitted with a request to keep running it.   Howard has continued to make renewal solicitations by phone.
Of the 158 business membership mailings, 16 have resulted in sponsorship so far for a total of $960.  The Friend’s blog linked to the Merrick Library web page was updated with the business sponsors’ names. Bookmarks were updated with the business sponsor names and were printed by Debbie Jones of the library staff.  Another business mailing was made to 42 additional sites on 2/27.   
Old Business:  Karen, Diane and Howard participated in staffing the Friends table prior to the Sunday library concert event on 2/28.
An acting Secretary has not been appointed yet.
Thank you to Liz Kranz, who has been calling Friends  members who do not have email to inform them of meeting times and Friends’ events.
New Business: Ellen will provide list of possible library programs Friends can sponsor.
Joan and Karen will staff a Friends’ table for an hour before the Sunday March 13th music program.
Diane and Karen will staff a membership table at the 10 year Anniversary of the New Library Event on April 10th.  Additional volunteers will be scheduled.
The annual financial audit of the books of treasurer will be on 3/15 by Karen, Howard, Marion and Diane.
Tax return numbers will be submitted to our CPA by 4/15 for a 5/15 filing deadline.
A discussion of the suggestion to change the meeting time to 6 PM was tabled.
A motion was made and passed to send a “thinking of you” card to David Stayer.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:14 PM.
Next Meeting Dates: Tuesday at 4:30 PM on April 12th, May 10th, June 14th and July 12th.
Respectfully submitted by Joan Sculli